Some say Donald Trump is a distraction, and I agree. Not that we shouldn’t be afraid of his actions; his narcissistic personality makes him a loose cannon that could wound, if not kill, our relationships around the world, create havoc with our food systems, tie our government up in litigation, and more. He’s proven he cares little for the consequences of his actions, only the power he yields when executing them.
The manner in which he conducts business — lawsuits for failure to honor his debts, failure to pay staff — should have clued us in to what kind of president he would be.
But back to the distractions. Like the magician who waves a scarf with his left hand while sneaking your wallet out of your back pocket with his right, Trump performs his deeds while Congress attempts to dismantle we ordinary people’s safety nets. Talks of how to get rid of or weaken the Affordable Care Act, Social Security, Medicare, of disrupting access to reproductive care for women, of defying Constitutional rights to equality, abound.
This is where We the People come in. This is why the peaceful demonstrations are important, why calls, emails to legislators are critical, and why we must keep letting them know we are not distracted. We are paying attention, and we are not going away.