Starchy sides are a mainstay of the classic American dinner. It’s easy to get complacent and rely on a trusty, if unimaginative, rotation of mealtime regulars: rice, potatoes, noodles.
The problem with serving essentially the same (white) thing over and over is all that we miss. Sweet potatoes, peas, corn, winter squashes, and sweet root vegetables like carrots and parsnips are great stand-ins for rice or pasta.
A great way to prepare starchy sides in colder months is to toss them in a quick vinaigrette and then roast. The vinaigrette can be just vinegar, salt and pepper, and a bit of oil to perk up the flavor.
My recipe today brings together both a starch and a root vegetable. Red-fleshed sweet potatoes (often called “yams” in American supermarkets) and carrots are tossed in a soy sauce and rice vinegar marinade, which caramelizes beautifully in the oven.