People in business
Designer Judy Cusack of Transitional Designs of Washougal, has been bestowed a Best of Customer Service award by Houzz, a platform for home remodeling and design. Cusack has won the award three years in a row. The Best of Houzz is awarded annually in three categories: design, customer service and photography.
Nancy Nunn, co-owner of Concept Reality, has been selected as chair for the Clark County Skills Center Foundation board for 2017-19. Others named to the board are Sharif Burdzik, Riverview Bank, past-chair; Dave Blanchard, Cognesis marketing Concepts, secretary; and Tony Ande, Self Enhancement Inc., treasurer.
Tony Johnson and Bryce Davidson have been named shareholders in Vancouver-based insurance agency Davidson & Associates. Johnson has been with the company since 2009 as a business sales agent and currently leads the business insurance team. Davidson joined the agency in 2012 as a personal sales agent.
Other business
Metropolitan Performing Arts will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce at their studio, 905 N.E. 68th St., from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Information about enrollment for classes for ages 18 months to 18 years will be available, plus entertainment, refreshments. For information, call 360-975-1585 or email