This is in response to the letter writer who blames “politicians” for taking away “one of our most revered and celebrated public holidays” (“This is our saddest, darkest day,” July 4, Our Readers’ Views).
I have empathy for her and her inability to attend the fireworks event at Fort Vancouver. However, I would like to remind her that it was not “politicians” who are to blame for the recently enacted laws affecting fireworks. Irresponsible and inconsiderate citizens with no regard for the rights of others are.
When the discharge of fireworks became a monthlong activity in some areas of Vancouver and Clark County, responsible citizens recognized a need for a change. Veterans, others with medical conditions and, of course, pet owners asked for a change. Our city and county officials responded.
I would ask when fireworks became the only thing that the Fourth of July meant? There was a time when it meant getting together with family, friends and neighbors on that one special day, the Fourth of July, enjoying each other’s company, giving thanks and savoring the fruits of a grateful nation. Now, it seems to have dissolved into who can explode the most fireworks over an extended period of time.