Just the word “tolls” sends shivers down my spine. For those who are already just getting by while their paychecks are payroll taxed, property taxed and sales taxed into oblivion (not to mention ever-increasing taxes on gas), now Oregon wants to add tolls.
Tolls in other states are often $10 one way (Indiana, Illinois, Kansas $12) and as high as $39.90 (cash) or $28.60 with the so-called “E-Z Pass” on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. For those who work in Oregon, can you afford paying $5 to $10 or more daily? Once the toll system is in place, where will it end? Don’t we all pay enough already? Are our tax dollars being well-managed? If you are a person who holds any power over this trend toward tolls, please do something to stop this. Tolls could really change the pleasure of travel in the Western states.