Shortly after his underwhelming inauguration, Donald Trump approved a nighttime raid on an al-Qaida site in Yemen. That raid, dubious in its inception, resulted in the death of one veteran Navy SEAL, the loss of a $70 million plane, and most tragically, the deaths of 13 children and 25 women. The objective? Capture of supposedly valuable information about al-Qaida’s future actions against American interests.
The result? Who can say? We know what was lost by the order of a president who “knows more than the generals” and who OK’d the mission over dinner and failed to oversee an operation that led to so many deaths.
We know that he now places the blame on the generals and on the Obama administration, which chose not to carry out the mission.
We know he used the dead SEAL’s wife as a political pawn during his speech to Congress. We know the SEAL’s father is demanding a full investigation, but that no Republican-led committee will carry one out, even though they relished endless investigations of Benghazi and Hillary Clinton.
And we know that Donald Trump is an expert at seeing that the “buck” doesn’t ever stop at his desk.