Doug Moe’s March 24 letter, “Time to end legal abortion,” reminds me of the Wall Street Journal’s writing that the Freedom Caucus is the “Freedom-from-Reality Caucus.”
Having people, especially young people, use a “little self-control” just doesn’t cut it. Programs only teaching abstinence have not worked well. Having contraceptives available and affordable, combined with good sex education, leads to reduced abortions. Young people need to be taught to take responsibility for their choices. If they choose to have sex, then they need to use some form of contraception. They can also choose to not have sex. Relying on “self-control” is playing with fire. I believe that most abortions are done with reluctance and sorrow.
Making abortion illegal doesn’t solve the problem, as they will continue one way or another. Making them safe and rare makes the most sense.
For those who are not equipped to be parents and choose to give birth, it’s incumbent on our society to provide support for the new parent/parents and the children with parent training, good preschool programs, etc.
Seeing this issue as black and white is much easier than being open to its complexities, its nuances. That takes courage as well as an open heart.