Thank you for the article about Represent.Us (“Vancouver group part of national anti-corruption campaign,” Nov. 8) and the collective efforts against government corruption. Thank goodness there are people such as Nicole Laurent who are ready and able to spearhead vital community work such as this.
I was surprised and concerned to learn that only one local official has expressed support so far regarding this growing public concern. It seems that the only people not to benefit from transparency would be those with illicit intentions, whether from within government, or an outside interest seeking to surreptitiously tip the scales.
I would ask our city council and our mayor to please speak to this issue urgently and expeditiously. Government corruption easily affects us all on some level, whether we recognize it or not. Corruption cannot be allowed to find safe harbor within any level of government, particularly of a country that has long claimed to be “the land of the free.” Pardon my idealism, but how can we truly be free if we are kept blind to the actions of those we choose to represent our interests?