It is not the state’s, nor letter-writer Steven Tubb’s decision as to what any other person does to their body for medicinal purposes (“Vaccinations should be enforced,” Oct. 22, Our Readers’ Views). When law and the legal process is understood, one would never propose criminalizing avoiding vaccinations. When you impose your will on another, it is either unlawful, illegal, a tort or a trespass. Just note how effective criminalizing drugs was to eliminating drug use. The law deals in retribution, not prevention.
As regards vaccination, it is not the only means to immunize. If you were to do sufficient research you would find there is a way to immunize that is inexpensive, effective and does no harm. This is not what you will find with vaccination. Everyone should admonish the state to do a better job of making sure no harm is done in following immunization health policies. People should spend more time in the library, make their own decisions and let the rest of us make ours.