There’s a lot of excellent music on Steve Martin’s new bluegrass album with the Steep Canyon Rangers, which is good news considering five of the collection’s 14 tracks are instrumentals.
Sometimes, though, to quote Gloria Estefan, words get in the way.
Take “Caroline,” the first single from “The Long-Awaited Album.” It has a cracking, virile refrain calling out for the object of the protagonist’s affection, who has left him “in the middle of a third-floor parking structure,” but the verses are clunky and break down long before the end.
Several degrees closer to comedy, “Strangest Christmas Yet” lengthily describes a family gathering/traumatic experience and, perhaps understandably, reaches a “can’t wait till next year” conclusion despite all the mishaps and embarrassments.
Lyrically sharper are “Girl From River Run,” a sweet and fairly straightforward tale of romance with a happy end, and “On the Water,” about a boat trip and the importance of spending time with friends. “This type of song is rare in bluegrass, as there’s not much sailing in Kentucky,” Martin said.