President Donald Trump is the Towel of Babel, Armageddon, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and a raunchy reality show rolled into one. He is the wake-up call catalyst for healing America from avarice, greed, xenophobia, racism, ignorance, sexism, over consumption, George Orwellian “Animal Farm” (over-assertive pigs), over indulgence (50 percent food waste), dumbed-down populace controlled by Big Brother media, dead or dying infrastructure, despoiled land by the likes of Monsanto, combustion engines, beef cattle ranches, and coal.
To those of you who desire to live in a brave, new world, we will accommodate you in finding another planet you can exploit. Why do you think SpaceX founder Elon Musk wants to send rocket ships to Mars to explore it as a viable living space? Actually, it would be rather difficult to despoil an already pretty dead planet. As for the rest of us, let’s all make an effort to make America great again, minus despots like Trump and wealthy idealists who think this planet is their “exclusive oyster.”