Here we go again. A new Interstate 5 Bridge? Politicians working on it?
The only local politician that has any authentic chops in this is state Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, who worked tirelessly to make the former Columbia River Crossing happen. The rest of them sabotaged the project, costing the citizens hours and hours of commuting time.
Five years so far. No end in sight to this shameful folly. More meetings and more meetings. Why does Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, have a seat at the table? She was one of the saboteurs. Even Rep. Monica Stonier, D-Vancouver, who should have known better, joined the “Don Benton Coalition” to sabotage it.
Why is light rail so awful? Tying into the massive infrastructure that Oregon has built totally makes sense. This political nonsense has cost the region millions and millions of dollars. I totally have no faith in these politicians getting it done. Angry.