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Melania Trump’s red topiary trees score hit

Novel decorations popular at White House parties

Published: December 22, 2018, 8:13pm
2 Photos
Red topiary trees line the East colonnade of the White House on Nov. 26 during the 2018 Christmas preview.
Red topiary trees line the East colonnade of the White House on Nov. 26 during the 2018 Christmas preview. carolyn kaster/Associated Press Photo Gallery

WASHINGTON — Melania Trump’s cranberry topiary trees may have left some of her critics seeing red, but they turned out to be a Christmas hit — one of several new ideas the Trumps introduced this holiday season.

In a four-week stretch of 21 holiday parties, the president also did fewer official photo ops and largely froze out the media. But in time-honored tradition, though, politicos still used the celebrations to squeeze in last-minute deal-making.

A stalemate with Congress over Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border forced the president to delay his plan to shift the merrymaking to his Florida estate on Friday. He remained in Washington while his wife and son, Barron, flew to Palm Beach without him.

Mrs. Trump’s decision to place more than 40 red trees on a green carpet along the East Wing colonnade turned out to be quite the attraction: Pedestrian traffic jams formed as guests clamored to be photographed in front of the unusual holiday landscape .

“Every single person that came through the East Wing stopped for a photo,” said conservative commentator Paris Dennard, a recent guest.

Armstrong Williams, another conservative commentator, tweeted photos of himself posing in front of the trees made using fake berry branches.

“I thought it was just classy,” he said. “Great for photos.”

Trump and the first lady on Wednesday hosted the final two parties of the season, where guests feasted on lamb chops, shrimp and potato latkes along with a dessert bar that included lemon tart, coconut cake and Christmas cookies. Champagne and eggnog flowed freely.

Sebastian Gorka, a former Trump national security aide, called the atmosphere a “true celebration of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and our oldest traditions.”

“Having a great time at the Whitehouse (cq) Christmas Party!” said the caption former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus added to a photo he tweeted of himself and outgoing Chief of Staff John Kelly. Kelly succeeded Priebus just six months into the new administration. Now Kelly is set to depart at the end of December after a topsy-turvy 18-month stint as Oval Office gatekeeper.

Other notable guests included “Six Million Dollar Man” Lee Majors, Trump supporters Diamond and Silk, and professional soccer player Wayne Rooney.

Largely absent from the festivities this year was the traditional opportunity for guests to have a picture taken with Trump and his wife, a time-consuming process that requires the president and first lady to stand for hours, grinning, posing and making small talk with hundreds of guests, some of whom they hardly know.

Trump retained the photo tradition for members of the U.S. Secret Service, law enforcement and the military, as well as staff who work in the residence, according to a White House official who declined to be identified discussing details of the private receptions.
