I was dumbstruck by “Republicans rescue America” (“Our Readers’ Views,” Feb. 8). The author has forgotten Jesus’ only violent outburst was throwing money changers and merchants out of the temple, calling them thieves. He saw the distinction between the secular and the religious.
What makes the writer think that President Barack Obama “hates capitalism”? Perhaps it’s the rescue of General Motors, the recovery of the stock market, American industry turning record profits, or the drop in the unemployment rate. They all happened during the Obama administration in spite of those business-killing regulations.
Lastly, while gloating over bonuses, pay raises, and full-time work brought on by the new tax plan, he ignores the simple facts that bonuses were offered to 2 percent of the workforce, and most were in process before the tax plan. And that many of those same companies are laying off thousands of employees. And, lastly, most companies are using their windfall profit to buy back their own stock, thus enriching the remaining shareholders.
The only rescuing the GOP is doing is rescuing business and the 1 percent from themselves by padding their already healthy bank accounts. Meanwhile, the middle class, the poor, and otherwise disadvantaged get handed the bill. Thanks for nothing, GOP.