I went to a writers’ open mic, an evening of reading poetry and writing. During my turn I shared from my tome, “Some Days Chicken, Some Days Feathers.” It’s a memoir of my earliest recollections until I came home from Vietnam. I began with “the impetus for the book was my grandson asking me ‘Grandpa, why did you lose the Vietnam War?’ ”
Immediately an obnoxious participant shouted, “Why did you lose the war?” I was stunned and had to ad-lib after this horribly rude interruption.
As I was returning to my seat, “Mr. Obnoxious” again shouted, “You never did tell us why you lost the war!” The entire audience now waited for my response. Shaken, I meekly replied, “Apparently I am with a pacifist who has the answer for everything.”
For whatever reason, many self-righteous people feel justified in trampling the rights of others. I’m done with them! I should have said to the miscreant, “I will debate you anytime, anywhere, but no shouting.” In fact, here and now, I extend that challenge to all Vietnam protesters and current fans of Ken Burns’ Vietnam “mockumentary.” I’m calling you out! Name the time and place! Put up or shut up!