I have to suggest that letter writer Robert Wattez has not met enough Progressive Democrats to justifiably make such broad accusations against them as he did in his letter “Progressive Democrats are funny” (July 2, Our Readers’ Views). I am a progressive-leaning Democrat, as are most of my friends.
Most of us say “Merry Christmas,” fly the flag and vigorously support the First Amendment even if we don’t agree with what is said. We stand for the national anthem but respect those who choose to kneel.
I would hope that anyone who goes to a house of worship goes there to worship their God, pray for forgiveness, seek guidance to be a better person and enjoy the fellowship of others and not to entice name-calling.
I have never heard of Ben Carson being called an Uncle Tom nor black police officers called traitors. Sure, the word “Trump” does raise some colorful language usually; not unlike the word “Obama” does to others.