It’s unbelievable that anyone with even rudimentary knowledge of history can support this president or his party.
Forty years ago, Republican candidate Ronald Reagan insisted our debt was too high, then, as president, tripled it, leaving our finances in shambles, which Republican George H.W. Bush made worse. It took Democrat Bill Clinton eight years to correct things (with zero Republican support). Republican George W. Bush then marched us into the Great Recession, and Democrat Barack Obama (against tremendous Republican resistance) brought us back. Current Republican leaders passed — and this president signed — another tax law hugely favoring the rich on the backs of the poor, while pondering ways to dismantle the safety nets that exist. Now he wants a trade war.
For decades, Republicans have hurt us severely in myriad ways (health care, anyone?), leaving Democratic leaders to rebuild.
Are Democrats perfect? Of course not, but this is clear: If you want to continue this cycle — scandals, fear-mongering and lies — vote Republican. If you want tax laws unfairly favoring the richest few, vote Republican. If you want leaders offering only “thoughts and prayers” after mass shootings — winking at the gun lobby, taking huge sums of NRA money — vote Republican. If you want something better, think before you vote.