We’re sitting on a ticking bomb called the national debt. It presently stands at $20 trillion, but think seconds instead of dollars and you’ll see, for example, that 1 million seconds equates into 11 days. Now take a billion seconds and that comes out to 32 years. But a trillion seconds turns out to be a whopping 32,000 years. Multiply that by 20 and you’ll see that if the seconds were dollar bills, our national debt would amount to 640,000 years. Does that strike you as insane?
To make things worse, President Trump’s proposed budget wants to add an additional $7 trillion or so on top of the existing debt over the next decade. Our Congress is responsible for developing a responsible budget, but that doesn’t seem to be working too well, and it makes one wonder just how much longer this can go on before it all comes crashing down and we’re a totally bankrupt nation. Tick tock.