Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook Elementary School, San Bernardino. When is enough, enough?
Currently, Washington state is debating tighter gun laws such as SB 5444 and a companion bill, which “would require a state license to own, sell, buy or manufacture an assault weapon with a large capacity magazine” and SB 6049 with its companion bill, which “would ban high-capacity magazines of 10 rounds or more.” We must communicate to our senators and representatives our support of these bills to start change at the policy level.
When we hear about a tragedy like Parkland where 17 individuals die, 13 of whom were under 18, there may be a few calls to action or the president might release a statement. At best, Congress may try to pass a bill but after about two weeks the country moves on, leaving behind the broken families and schools who will forever live with the scars from the massacre. We can move on with our lives but the families of the victims are forever changed.
We can’t let another tragedy like this pass us by without real change. To be a part of real change, I urge you to support bills with these victims and the future of students like me in mind.