The United States is in a political dilemma at the moment. Our president does not believe that climate change is man-made and thus does not believe any action should be taken to hinder it.
According to the World Wildlife Foundation, humanity is facing vast consequences as a result of our ongoing destruction to the environment; natural disasters are more frequent, hundreds of species face extinction from changing climates, and deforestation is causing detrimental effects to the carbon in our air ( Given the circumstances of our nation’s ignorant political figures, it is time to take matters into our own hands. There are ways that we can make a difference and ultimately slow the effects of a dying planet for descending generations.
Start by calling your legislators; demand that they take action and work on enforcing regulations against factories emitting carbon into the atmosphere. Encourage others in your community to recycle, and reduce the use of plastic. By using your resources to make small changes in your life, you can impact others to do the same. Mankind must act now, as we are running out of time to save our planet.