Climate change has to be handled in a mature and scientific manner, neither of which our present administration has any idea how to pull off. It also must be handled by educated citizens. To date, there has been very little evidence of that maturity.
The latest ballot measure was completely off the mark from the premise that polluters must be made to pay, to the implementation of electrical options across the board. Neither of them make any sense in Washington, and, even though alternative, less-expensive solutions were offered to all local congressional candidates, only one Democrat actually went with the options offered. He was defeated, probably because he was a “Vox clamans in deserto” and, yes, whacking oil companies for billions of dollars sounds so just, we forget that the polluters are not those who provide us with heat, transportation and jobs, but those that use the oil and gas we beg for: ourselves.
Solar panels this far north and in this wet climate are the least attractive options for our energy dollars; as a matter of fact, Washington state is 50th in the nation for solar compatibility and we have one of the highest percentage of renewable electricity in the USA because of our hydropower.