I am very concerned about the proposed methanol plant being considered for Kalama. This is a Chinese company that wants to rape our resources, pollute our air, water, and land and ship the end product, the methanol, to them.
From the dirty and devastating fracking of our land, then shipping that volatile oil to refining to methanol at the Northwest Innovation Works plant, to shipping this gas across the oceans is dangerous to us all, our land, waters and air. This company released an environmental impact study that was terribly lacking about the pollution and health issues and impact to our environment. It now has been asked to produce a supplemental environmental impact study.
This plant will pollute 1.2 million cars’ worth to our air with cancer-causing emissions. Another alarm is the million gallons of Columbia River water that they will use daily in operating this plant. The plant will use more gas than all Pacific Northwest cities combined and need massive new fracked gas pipeline expansions. I am against this devastating action. I do not want this happening to me and I don’t want this happening to my people or your people. Please help us in stopping the insanity.