What has become of the Republican Party? There is not the slightest resemblance to Ronald Reagan’s party. Since Donald Trump’s election, the Republican Party has mutated into a party of division of all Americans, obstruction to the rule of law by governing by presidential fiat, a lying president who will not share his tax returns, and terrible changes affecting the average worker.
What is the platform of the Republican Party? Raise taxes under the disguise of a tax break for all, eliminate pre-existing condition coverage for citizens, lock up and separate mothers and children at the border, pretending they are “crossing illegally” when they close the gates and allow only a few refugees through the barriers. Do not have a national debate on gun safety, supported by a majority of Americans. Increase military spending drastically even though fewer Americans are serving overseas in military zones. Republicans continue to stir up factionalism of all Americans by race, remove legal protections for LGBTQIA citizens, never consider the forward thinking of young, diverse individuals while tied to the old, white, male power structure.
The current Republican Party has fallen prey to a twisted, lawless and a dangerous ideology represented by King Trump and cronies.