I read in the Legal Notices section of The Columbian, March 27 Page C8, that Clark County is asking for bids on job No. 372322, N.E. 259th Street and N.E. 72nd Avenue Intersection Improvements. I have a question for the county: Why not put a round-about at this intersection? It would slow traffic down while allowing it to move, and it would give truck traffic the ability to go around the intersection without stopping, therefore not being passed by other drivers.
Why put so much time and money into this without making it an intersection for future use? I wrote Marc Boldt about this intersection in 2010. He wrote me back and said that the majority of the crashes at this intersection have been high-speed vehicles crashing into fixed objects. That is my point. Yes, I live on 259th and travel it daily. It is very dangerous. Let’s slow everybody down.