After reading part (not all) of the Mueller report, I find the severity of the president’s misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty. The House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States. The Mueller report provides overwhelming evidence that Trump obstructed justice and explicitly identifies Congress as the appropriate body to act.
The politics of an impeachment inquiry are complex. Pursuing impeachment may motivate Trump’s base — but Trump’s base is likely to be motivated regardless. The failure to act on Mueller’s report could depress the Democratic base, who turned out in droves in 2018 to vote for people who would hold Trump accountable.
Regardless of whether or not the Senate will vote to remove Trump from office, the House must do their constitutional duty and oversee another co-equal branch of government. We should all be worried about the state of our democracy if this misconduct is allowed to stand with no consequence. I have emailed my representatives in the House and Senate to let them know my feelings and I encourage you to do the same.