Regarding the article about Tucker Carlson (“Fox’s Tucker Carlson calls white supremacy ‘a hoax,’ sparking outrage,” The Associated Press, Aug. 8): I always wonder why it’s controversial when someone speaks the truth that’s not liberal. The media tells us daily that “privileged white men” are the root of all our problems. We have presidential candidates apologizing for being white. This paper even devoted half a page to an article praising a yoga class for “undoing whiteness” (” ‘Undoing Whiteness’ yoga class stirs outrage,” The Seattle Times, June 22). And then we’re surprised that we’re seeing pushback? Really?
After successfully convincing us that intact, two-parent families aren’t important, we’ve spent the last 20 years empowering girls and ignoring boys. The unintended consequence has been a whole bunch of angry young men completely untethered to anything meaningful. With the internet, the so-called loner doesn’t need to be alone anymore. Whether it’s a street gang or white supremacists or ISIS, he will find a group that will accept him and make him feel important. Meanwhile, the media and Congress yammer on about Trump and Russia and impeachment. Yeah, that’ll help.