This letter is intended for rational, intelligent Americans, whether Democrat or Republican, who practice common sense in every aspect of their lives. Patriotic citizens who listen to both sides of every story, and based on the facts, act decisively to promote and protect their liberties, as prescribed by our nations’ Founding Fathers.
Most would agree that we are currently an exceedingly divided nation, unlike any time since the Civil War. The media prospers on our nations’ division and seemingly delights in propagating a daily destructive droning, drawing us further apart.
While reasonable Americans agree to disagree on opposing ideals and beliefs, it’s clear that intolerance for opposing thought is an insidious social affliction, widening the great divide between us. Remember Abraham Lincoln’s biblical reference in his campaign speech delivered to the Illinois Republican State convention in 1858, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
Albeit Lincoln contrasted the division between the free North and the slave-holding South, we should take to heart his warning for today’s bitter political and social dialogue. This nation was founded as the United States of America, where we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, without suppression or tyranny.