The 2017 thriller “Happy Death Day” took a “Groundhog Day”-like concept — a young woman must relive the same day, over and over — and put it in service of a largely uninspired college-set horror movie. (Turns out the day in question is the day of the protagonist’s murder, which she must re-experience until she solves the crime.)
But unlike the 1993 Bill Murray comedy, some people never learn from their mistakes, no matter how often they repeat them. Case in point: the sequel “Happy Death Day 2U.” The new film may seem unnecessary — and it is — but it actually does a bit more than just regurgitate the premise of the first film.
The story begins at the fictional Bayfield University with Ryan (Phi Vu), a gifted science major, waking up in his car. After experiencing a sequence of minor incidents that you can bet will be repeated — a dog barks, a skateboarder nearly hits him, etc. — Ryan joins a group of friends at the high-tech lab where they’re working on what amounts to a time machine: the kind of spark-throwing electromagnetic behemoth that drives countless sci-fi films, and that in this case creates not only an unintentional time loop, but also alternate timelines in which the identity of a killer (yes, there’s another one) changes.
At first, Ryan seems to be the focus of this crisis in the space-time continuum, but soon the young woman from the first film — Tree (Jessica Rothe), or as Ryan calls her, the “crazy white chick” — is once again the center of the film’s, and the murderer’s, attention. Together, she and Ryan must solve a new problem, which entails identifying one of several timelines as the “right” one. In these parallel universes, it isn’t just Tree who is threatened, but her friends.