Vancouver Lake is an economic and recreational asset to Clark County and beyond. The lake also needs help, and it needs it as quickly as possible.
The lake is being taken over by a rapidly spreading invasive plant, Eurasian milfoil. Already, milfoil covers at least one-third of the lake. The lake and county park attract many people, and are used for rowing competitions, kayaking, paddleboarding, sailing, fishing, swimming and picnicking. The rowing events draw large numbers of competitors from throughout the Northwest, and milfoil is beginning to encroach upon the lanes marked for those events.
In addition to the state, I believe that Clark County, the city of Vancouver and the Port of Vancouver all have a responsibility to preserve the health of Vancouver Lake. If help is not forthcoming soon, the lake will die and cease to be the asset that it is.
What can you do? Contact your county councilors, port commissioners and city council members and share your concerns.