Governor appoints two new commissioners
Two new members have been appointed to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission. Washington Governor Jay Inslee appointed Jim Anderson and Molly Linville on July 24.
The commission is a citizen panel that sets policy for the WDFW, and the members are appointed by the governor. The new members began their appointment on the date appointed and their terms will run until Dec. 31, 2024.
Anderson of Pierce County is an active sportsman who has fished and hunted in many areas of Washington. He has extensive policy experience and has spent more than 20 years in executive management in fisheries and natural resources.
“Jim brings with him knowledge around salmon and Washington’s fishery management complexities. These topics are some of the commission’s highest priorities and his expertise will be a welcome addition as we consider some near- and long-term challenges,” said Commission Chair Larry Carpenter in a news release.
A cattle rancher out of Douglas County, Linville grew up hunting and fishing in Washington. She is a member of the Washington’s Cattleman’s Association. She has spent four years on the WDFW Wolf Advisory Group, and is a former wildlife biologist.
Anderson graduated from Washington State University with a master’s degrees in environmental science. Linville graduated from the University of Montana with a bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology.
Both appointees must be confirmed by the state senate, which will meet in January.
Joint State Commissions meet Thursday
There will be a workgroup meeting of the Joint-State Columbia River Policy Review Committee (PRC) to discuss the Columbia River Reforms from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife headquarters in Salem The PRC, composed of three members from each state’s fish and wildlife commissions, is working to find common ground for jointly managed fisheries.
The controversial reforms include discussions concerning the use of gill nets on the mainstem Columbia River.
The PRC group began meeting in January, and three additional meetings have been held. Materials from previous meetings can be found at
These workgroup meetings are not decision-making meetings. The workgroups must report back to their full Commissions, who will consider changes to their respective polices.
The meeting will be livestreamed via YouTube and can be viewed at
Fish and wildlife commission to meet
The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will hold a public hearing on guide logbook requirements, receive an update on hatchery reform, and consider 2020 budgets and legislative proposals.
The meeting will be held Friday and Saturday at the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street SE in Olympia, starting at 8 a.m. both days.
The commission is a citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).
Different options will be presented by department staff regarding the upcoming 2020 Legislative Session. The commission will also take public comment following the discussion, and may make a decision.
TVW will broadcast the commission meeting from its website at
The full agenda is available online at
Oregon targets lapsed boat registrations
Boaters with expired boat registrations may find themselves approached by law enforcement this weekend if they go boating on Oregon waters. The Oregon State Marine Board will be joined by 32 county sheriffs and the Oregon State Police on Saturday and Sunday, looking for expired boat registrations as part of “Operation Ship Shape.”
“We want boaters to look at their boat’s decals, the registration numbers, and their registration card and make sure they’re up-to-date,” says Randy Henry, Boating Safety Program Manager for the Marine Board in a news release. “Make sure you’ve renewed your registration, and make sure you’ve put the decal on your boat, or you could face a $265 citation.”
“Any boat that is powered by a motor: electric, gas, diesel or steam, and all sailboats 12 feet and longer must be currently registered when on the water, even when docked or moored,”.
Motorboat registrations are $4.50 per foot, plus $5 to fund invasive species inspection stations. Registration fees will increase in 2020, so boaters are urged to register lapsed boats before fees go up.
Boaters can renew their boat registration online at, or can visit their local registration agent.
For a list of registration agents, visit