Mysteriously slick subway poles, a sneezing colleague, the arrival of flu season: These are all reasons to be grateful for any bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer that’s within reach. Yet in an era of superbugs — bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics — and fears about being too clean, you might wonder whether constantly pouring Purell into our palms is doing more harm than good.
Absolutely not, according to Elaine Larson, a professor of epidemiology at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health and the School of Nursing. “Superbugs are not arising from topical antiseptic products,” Larson said. “Primarily, they’re arising from the use of systemic antibiotics.”
Michelle Barron, a professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine who specializes in infectious disease, affirmed that assessment. “Our hands become contaminated by things we touch. The intent of sanitizer is to clean your hands” of bacteria, viruses and germs in general. “The rise of superbugs is a function of the push and pull of antibiotic use.”
Nor is there any compelling evidence that overuse of hand sanitizer could somehow compromise your immune response — which seems to be a misapplied extrapolation of the hygiene hypothesis, or the idea that being “too clean” can hamper a child’s immune system. “You’re killing the organisms that you’re picking up in the environment,” Larson said, not the normal bacteria that grow on your skin.