In “After the Empire,” Emmanuel Todd, the noted historian who accurately predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union, offers compelling proof of the sad prospects for the fall of the U.S. He points to foreign policy decisions that alienate the international community as world conditions call for interdependency and cooperation, and erosion of respect for the democratic principles upon which our country was founded.
Our current Republican administration has turned these predictions to truth: their actions erode access to citizens’ constitutionally guaranteed vote; they ignore proven invasion of the democratic process by outside interests when they suit their needs; they ignore unethical, immoral behavior at the highest level of our governmental system; and more.
The individual who is charged with leading the country alienates our world friends while cozying up to leaders who do not fit the values upon which this country was founded. His behavior, speeches and tweets promote the antithesis of our values.
The fear, of course, is that the behavior of the Republican leadership in this administration will become so normal as to be accepted. And this, as Emmanuel Todd has predicted, will lead to the fall of this empire we call the United States of America.