I am not an economist, but I can see what’s not working. We like our democracy and as such have a choice of capitalism or socialism. I feel we need both, and neither work without strong rules. Socialism without capitalism and competition slows and can nearly stop, and capitalism without socialism can cause money to nearly stop circulating.
The circulation of money is the wellness of all civilizations; that includes us here in United States. The only way money can be kept in circulation is taxes, because the only one that circulates money is the government. The government can’t save money or hold it in any way, so it is spent for the betterment of society which individuals are not apt to do. All societies have to look out for people with a lower I.Q. than the average, and to keep infrastructure up to date and functioning. Currently we are not.
Taxing is a specialty, so taxing people or companies when they are already spending most of whatever income they have does not accomplish the aim of circulating money.