According to NASA, the temperature of the earth has risen 1.62 degrees since the 19th century, mainly been due to carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions in the atmosphere.
The oceans have also warmed up more than 0.4 degrees since 1969, and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA’s gravity recovery and climate experiment show that Greenland had lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year; from 1993 and 2016, the loss of ice mass has tripled in the last decade. According to the MyClimate Organization, indirect consequences include hunger and water crises, health risks through rising air temperatures and heat waves, loss of biodiversity due to limited adaptability, ocean acidification, and much more.
According to the David Suzuki Foundation, there are many ways we can fight climate change. One way is to use our energy wisely, such as changing to energy-efficient light bulbs, washing clothes in hot water and install heat pumps in our homes. A second option is to invest in renewables and divest from fossil fuels. One more way is to switch to an electric or hybrid car, take public transportation, and car-share. These are just a few ways we can help the environment.