The Columbian published an editorial about thanking veterans on Veterans Day (“Join together to thank veterans for their service,” The Columbian, Nov. 11). The author said some statements that I highly agree with and would like to reflect on. Veterans Day is something that hits home for me since my father was in the Army. I understand the importance of Veterans Day to the families and to the actual veterans.
I really supported the editorial’s statement, “We are politically and socially polarized, too often willing to be divided by our tribal beliefs. And while we might disagree at times with how our leaders use the United States military and how they enforce America’s status around the globe, we continue to support and honor those who find a higher calling in defending our shores or protecting American interests abroad.”
I think people now are so self-centered that they can’t think of anyone besides themselves, and it’s sad. No matter what your beliefs are, it is respectful to come together as a community and honor the people that risk their lives.