Both Greg Jayne and Lou Brancaccio did stupid stuff, as Jayne described in his opinion column (“Party declaration issue resonates,” The Columbian, March 29). They didn’t want to commit to a party preference for president, so Jayne didn’t check the box and Brancaccio got cute and made up his own party with himself as leader.
Here’s the deal, fellows: The two major parties are selecting their nominees. If you won’t associate yourself with either party then they don’t care what your preference is for their nominee. They are nominating their parties’ nominees, not the nominees of the I Dunno Party, or the Some Other Party, or the I Don’t Care Party. So of course their “votes” didn’t count. Now we know that they did stupid stuff and just wasted election workers’ time and taxpayers’ money. They’ll have a chance to vote for real in the general election, but if they want a say in who the major parties select they should join the party where they want their vote to be counted.