I want to make sure I do not have scab or worms in my apples this year. When do I need to spray to prevent these problems?
Begin spray applications as soon as the flower petals have fallen from trees to protect apples and other fruit trees from insect and disease problems. Avoid applying insecticides before the petals have fallen because it will harm the bees that are pollinating the flowers.
Peach, nectarine and some cherry trees are susceptible to peach leaf curl disease. It is critical to get a fungicide on as soon as the leaves begin to open. Peach trees almost always get this disease unless they are sprayed. It will damage trees and greatly reduce the fruit crop if they are not sprayed.
Scab is the main disease affecting apples and pears. It produces scab-like deformations on both the leaves and fruit. Two applications spaced a week apart after petals fall will provide protection.