Disability access is something that has long gone ignored in almost all aspects of society. I have even noticed that people will avoid talking about disability, both physical and mental, because it makes them uncomfortable. This lack of discussion and accommodation is a constant problem that ranges from extremely annoying to downright dangerous.
A few examples of this are the inconsistency of audio signals used at crosswalks, something that is very important for people who are blind. At theaters, special devices are used for people who are deaf so that they can know what’s going on, when it would be much easier to just have showings with subtitles. Doorways in many buildings are not big enough to fit the average wheelchair through. Those with mental disabilities are forced by circumstance to buy therapy and drugs so that they can function in a society that refuses to try understanding what is wrong.
All of the problems here could very easily be fixed, but nothing will get fixed if disabilities continue to be ignored. It would be really nice to talk about it and come up with good solutions that don’t just make people who are abled comfortable.