I received a mailing from Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler highlighting her recent support of a bill to lower prescription drug costs, H.R. 987. Her support of this bill seems inconsistent with her priorities because organizations like govtrack.us that track her voting record (she missed 13 percent of votes since 2011) shows she supports big business 98 percent of the time, taxing the middle class 92 percent, and protecting the environment 9 percent. There are almost 400 House bills being held up by the Senate majority leader, so she knows H.R. 987 is unlikely to become law. This will give her a talking point to unjustly trash her opponent, Carolyn Long, whose husband works for a pharmaceutical company.
I don’t believe Herrera Beutler is sincere about supporting Americans versus Big Pharma. Look at her voting record. Also note her lack of leadership positions after nearly a decade in the House of Representatives.