Stan Freidberg (“Climate Change Not a Throwaway,” Our Readers’ Views, Jan. 11) made a succinct and persuasive argument for “an accelerated transition to a low-carbon economy.”
After reviewing new research by international scientists and University of Washington researchers that predict climate change will cause serious damage to Washington’s economy and environment, Washington’s Department of Ecology called for deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
The Low Carbon Fuel Standard, or LCFS, is one of the strategies needed to transition to a low carbon economy. This proposed legislation would help reduce carbon emissions by giving credits to providers of low carbon fuels such as our own Clark Public Utilities. These credits can then be sold to entities that exceed the threshold for carbon emissions. Clark staff estimates the cost of LCFS would be 1/4 cent per gallon.
Opponents to LCFS claim it would cost over 40 cents per gallon. State Rep. Vicki Kraft says she will oppose it because it will hurt the economy. Do not be fooled by these false claims. The true cost to economy and health will be to do nothing. Write or call your legislator and urge them to support LCFS.