Experts estimate discovered human remains to be over 300,000 years old. Assuming an average of 25 years between the birth of one generation to the next generation, there has been at least 12,000 human generations.
For anyone living today to be 100 percent of a single race would require all of their ancestors in every generation to be 100 percent of the same race. Mathematics would suggest we are all likely multiracial. Yet when asked today, a very high percentage of individuals self-identify as a single race. Worst yet, we willingly judge and classify others we don’t know anything about, solely on a few seconds of observation. Perception and reality are at odds. We can do better.
Helping others succeed requires time, resources, and a willingness to do so. But value is only created when the individual being helped is willing and able to do what it takes to succeed.
Let’s begin with all the students who are not reading at grade level. Reading drives language arts, mathematics, technology and other skills. Skills expand an individual’s opportunity to develop self-esteem and create economic and social value to themselves, their family, and community. Economic freedom advances social and individual freedom.