This is a story about a caring, compassionate, dedicated health care provider. Three weeks before July 4, she suffered a heart attack brought on by stress in caring for patients plus the threat of the COVID-19 virus. Her doctor ordered her to “try to get less stress” and to get more rest and sleep.
On June 28, the sale of fireworks began in Clark County. That evening fireworks were blasting. Fireworks in unincorporated Clark County are prohibited until July 4. The order for more rest and sleep for this dedicated woman went out the window. Loud blasts have interrupted her sleep every night since. Some nights as late as 12:30 a.m.
I ask this question, “Why are her rights to health and happiness worth less than the rights of those who make money selling fireworks and less than those individuals who flout the law?” Shorten the sale of fireworks to a maximum of three days. Where is the promised 311 response number and the patrols that were to enforce the law?
Clark County councilors need to reconsider this issue. Neighbors need to step up and identify those who put their selfish and irresponsible desires ahead of all of the responsible citizens of Clark County.