Who disrespects the flag?
Is it athletes who quietly kneel during the national anthem, who have stated that it is because of the inequality in the U.S. that needs to be addressed? Is it the kids in my high school classes who suddenly discovered religion and refused to stand for the pledge but sat, rolling their eyes during the pledge? Is it the groups of people at graduations, sports and civic events, who remain seated, with hats on, talking, during the anthem and pledge? Is it the super patriotic guys with flags on the backs of their pickups, that are ragged, muddy and disheveled, the tattered stripes weeping and the stars hiding their glory in what is left of a blue background? Is it the people who buy shirts and other apparel that while may not be made of the actual flag, mimics it? Is it the people who leave flags out in the rain, do not keep them lighted at night, fly them until they are ragged, and then rather giving them the proper disposal ceremony, simply throw them in the trash?
Which of these actions disrespect the flag?