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In the Community: Gigi Fernandez to conduct doubles clinic at VTC

By Columbian staff
Published: June 29, 2020, 2:14pm

Tennis Hall of Famer and Olympic gold medalist Gigi Fernandez is coming to the Vancouver Tennis Center to put on her “Gigi Method” doubles clinic.

The 17-time Grand Slam doubles champ will bring her clinic to VTC on Aug. 9 and players can register now to participate in one of three rating groups. Registration is very limited.

Cost is $295 and includes a small group 1-hour, 45-minute clinic with players of the same rating (3.0-3.5, 3.5-4.0, 4.0-4.5) plus a lunch lecture, Q&A session, and $50 gift cards for Tennis Express and On Court Off Court.

To register or for more information, visit gigifernandeztennis.com.

Fernandez, a native of Puerto Rico, was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2010 after a career that include five U.S. Open doubles titles, four Wimbledon doubles titles, six French Open doubles titles, and two Australian Open doubles titles. She also won gold medals in women’s doubles at the 1992 and 1996 Olympics.

VTC summer camps taking registrations

The Vancouver Tennis Center is accepting registrations for its summer tennis camps.

High School and Academy Camps are scheduled begin on July 6, and Youth Summer Camps for ages 8-13 are schedule to begin July 20.

The five-day youth camps are $130 (members), $156 (non-members); high schools camps are $150 and $180; and Academy camps are $200 and $240.

Each camp has been carefully crafted by our USPTA-certified coaches and instructors in a learning environment that fosters physical, mental and emotional growth.

For more information or to register, visit the juniors webpages at pnwtenniscenters.com/vancouver or call 360-773-5038.

Evergreen Tennis summer camps

Evergreen Tennis in Camas has set July 6 as the start date for its junior summer camps that run through Aug. 28 and online registration is open.

There are six camp levels. Quickstart Camp for ages 5-6, EasyStart Camp for ages 7-8, Student Camp for ages 9-12, and Teen Camp for ages 13-18 are each $80 for a week. Competitor Camp and High Performance Camp are $100 for a week.

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Camps will be in groups of five per tennis pro.

For more information or to register visit evergreentennis.net or call 360-557-7230.

Upcoming runs by CCRC

The Clark County Running Club’s Grass Valley 5K Virtual Run No. 2 is happening through July 4.

See the course at https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/3109476469 then after completed, email your results to raceresults@comcast.net.

If Clark County moves into Phase 3, the annual summer series will have 5K runs on July 8 and July 15 at David Douglas Park, and July 22 and 28 at Round Lake Park. All runs begin at 7 p.m.

Check clarkcountyrunningclub.org or the CCRC Facebook page for updates.

Submit events, happenings, results for In the Community by emailing details to sports@columbian.com.
