WALLA WALLA — Walla Walla City Council unanimously approved on Wednesday a $2 million line-of-credit from Baker Boyer Bank to help with flood-recovery efforts
The Union-Bulletin reports the line-of-credit will be for six months at 0% interest.
“The line-of-credit is meant to assist by providing an immediate source of cash until we are reimbursed either through FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) or other sources,” city Financial Director Jean Teasdale said. “The line-of-credit is available through September 30, 2020, and will be paid back at that time.”
The city faced flood damages to its water transmission line, the primary water line that conveys water from the intake facility to the Water Treatment Plant. Three primary areas of damage are estimated at a total of $1.5 million, according to city documents.
The city provides drinking water to 36 private connections fed by a groundwater well located just downstream of the intake facility. Pump and delivery system improvements damages are estimated at $250,000.