Today, March 29, is national Vietnam Veterans Day. In addition, our state of Washington has designated a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day on March 30 each year. Vietnam and Vietnam-era veterans are those who served in our armed forces, in any location, from Nov. 1, 1955, through May 15, 1975. We Americans witness the national and local efforts to acknowledge thousands of men and women who may have been denied a proper welcome upon returning home more that 40 years ago.
Over the past three years on this weekend, several alliances had combined to sponsor the 50th commemoration of the Vietnam War at Vancouver Mall in honoring hundreds of our local veterans. This yearly event had commemorated the devotion, loyalty, and sacrifices of these veterans and their families. Our Vietnam and Vietnam-era veterans are held in high esteem, and would receive personal recognition, a lapel pin, and a proclamation signed by the president.
Due to this current environment of social distancing, we have postponed this event unto later this year. However, we are asking our community in retaining this spirit of dedication by personally offering recognition, encouragement, and appreciation to our Vietnam veterans. This would continue the beauty of this celebration.
Thank you, Vietnam and Vietnam-era veterans!