The reluctance of individuals who could and should get vaccinated (brought on by their loyalty to the big lie about the election, the misinformation on the vaccines appearing on the internet and/or their denial of science) is creating a dangerous condition for the entire nation and the world. Not only does it prolong the pandemic, but also puts our children and grandchildren in harm’s way.
As children prepare to return to school this fall, every elementary child in the United States, since they are not eligible to receive the vaccine, is at risk of getting the disease and passing it on. In the meantime, the virus is eventually going to keep mutating, as it already has. At some point it will get to the point where the current vaccine is no longer effective and the entire process starts all over again.
Let’s just call getting the vaccine an act of charity to your fellow men and women and step up and do the right thing for the good of our country and the world. We are all tired of wearing masks and really can’t justify doing it for another year or two.