Hey you! Yeah you: the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, what did we do to you? My beautiful wife of 47 years is in a hospital fighting for her life, while I am stuck at home 150 miles away quarantined because, although we both got the shot, we contracted COVID-19. What makes you think you are so special that you can walk around spreading this horrid illness to unsuspecting people? We all hope that my wife wins this battle and comes home to us, but it won’t be easy and it could have been avoided.
If you all would just roll up your sleeve and get just the one Johnson & Johnson vaccination, we wouldn’t be facing this. Instead, she would be happily visiting her sister, enjoying the coast and relaxing; instead she is in an ICU ward, taking maximum amounts of oxygen and barely holding her own. Doctors tell me that because of the vaccination, she is doing as well as she is … that the shots let her get to the hospital. Without the shots, she would not have made it, it is that close. I hope you are proud of yourself that you have done this to a wonderful, caring person.