I know we may be distracted by our politics, but a global celebration is happening today. Many of the world’s nations will be cheering the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons going into effect.
By provision of the treaty, signatories declare nuclear weapons illegal under international law, and pledge to not manufacture, possess, or threaten to use nuclear weapons. The TPNW recognizes the failings of past treaties and urges abolition rather than containment. As of now, 86 countries have signed and 51 have ratified the treaty.
The TPNW (not yet signed by any nuclear-armed nation) places nuclear weapons in the same category as other weapons of mass destruction recognized internationally as inhumane — including chemical and biological weapons.
The U.S. should join the TPNW and begin negotiations with the other nuclear-armed nations, with a goal of verifiably reducing and eliminating nuclear weapons.
Jan. 22 will be a day of celebration: please join us and the effort to secure a safe world by supporting Washington Against Nuclear Weapons at wanwcoalition.org.