I was devastated to read the letter to the editor concerning the library’s books-by-mail program and our failure to meet a disabled patron’s needs. Any mail-qualified patron can simply save the mailing envelope in which they received their library books, cross off their address and write, “Return to Sender” on the outside of the envelope, and put it out for the postal service to collect. Any return postal fees will be charged to the Fort Vancouver Regional Library District.
During the pandemic, FVRL made the decision to expand our books-by-mail program to any interested users as a way of expanding access to library materials. In the last 12 months, our books-by-mail service grew from 276 to 914 total patrons, and we are currently mailing an average of about 100 books each weekday. We did not intend to burden any existing mail-qualified users, but recognize that our decision created an undue hardship for some, and I sincerely apologize for creating that situation.
I take personal responsibility for the quality of our services and hope that our solution will work for any users who need assistance returning library materials through the mail. We value our library patrons and are always open to suggestions for how we can serve our communities better. You can reach me at ashelley@fvrl.org or by calling 360-906-5011.